Friday, September 7, 2012



I want to know if the stress? Money? And time? That comes with getting a job out side of school, graduating or not! is it worth it? Whether it be high school or college, is the searching and agonizing wait, along with stress worth anything? Are we working towards nothing but debt? especially when it comes to how our economy is and the way it affects our jobs today.

I'm a working student, I'm proud of that, but always in the back of my mind is that little voice on my right shoulder saying, "Is it worth it?" School and work has failed once for me, more because I couldn't afford it, and neither could my parents, and job I had-- Not good pay. Now I can afford/struggle to pay for classes out of pocket because I have a JOB! Not what I want in a career, but it pays the bills, but I still want some thing more. I'm scared to think of what will happen when next semester is done, and I have to find a "Big Girl Job." I'm always coming back to that question, "Is a school worth doing in order to find a better job or am i wasting time, money, and a whole bunch of stress to be let down again?"

I don't think this topic is going to be easy. There are so many angles and questions to pursue, that I just want to dig right into the research. I'm ready to find some thing that will help me answer my questions or maybe even frustrate me more in the end. I know i will find some thing in the end, whether it will be one answer or many is another question.

1 comment:

  1. Let's hear some of those angles and questions--to me, it doesn't sound as if there's much research involved, at least right now (In the spring you get to research by looking for that Big Girl Job.)

    So, tell me what you have in mind for an isearch.
