Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Essay Review

You know for a first time blogger I don't think I did too bad. The essay types were great, I got to write A lot about what I was feeling, and that is some thing I have a hard time writing down and expressing. It felt good to get emotion out and down on paper, but still be able to control what I said in the drafts. Struggling with some topics is always going to be a sore point with me, because I always over think things i am writing, and wonder whether it makes sense or if I am just rambling to no end. Some of the essays gave me issues, like the division essay, which came out half like a process, and took me longer to write I think than any other essay. I also think the times essays taught to manage my time a lot better and kept me on track a lot more after falling behind. I really enjoyed the process essay and contrast essay, getting to write about people i love, or things i love to do are always fun, especially when I can out in my own quirkiness in to twist the writings a little. Over all I enjoyed the writings, and so did my mother who nosily started reading them on thanks giving hahaha.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Division Essay Rewrite

      I live in an apartment, it's not where I want to live, or want to raise a family. But anyone starting out and in college, has to start some where. There are roads that need to be taken in life in order to be able to go from living in an apartment to a beautiful home. You need to be able to save money, its take months of searching, and then there is the moving and unpacking, all are the roads to moving into your first house.
     Josh and I have been looking for a house for four months now, we are having trouble saving money and that is the most import part when looking for a house. Most of the time when you are saving for a house you have to save double the money; one half for the deposit, and the other half for the first months rent. Right now we have a rent to pay with the apartment we are in, and we have other bills that take up our checks. Saving is hard now a days when your bills come first, but with the holidays, it becomes a little easier with bigger checks, we need to save about eight hundred for both payments.
    We started our search before our lease was even half way up, we really want to into our own house. The search has not been easy, but we know the basics of what we want. it needs to be either a one bedroom or a two bedroom, have a yard, not on a main road, and maybe have some utilities included. most importantly it needs to be right in our price range of under eight hundred dollars, especially if nothing is included. The search has been long, and hard, we haven't really found that one house yet, that meets or exceeds what we are looking for.
    The one thing i hate about moving, is oh.... MOVING. The packing, lifting, lugging, and repeat. That is how your life is for about a month during your "moving period" But if didn't move there would never be that step to your own house. Moving this time would be a little easier, just because our apartment is one the first floor, so it saves us from having to climb up and down stairs. It's lighter step than saving the money to be able to afford the place, and your mind can at rest after that, and actually choosing the place is over, and done with.  Also we will have a lot of movers to help aka a lot of friends and family, that I will sucker in with my kind words, and food, and maybe a little beer at the end of the day.
     Altogether moving and getting your own house is not easy, there are tools that you need to think of when wanting to be on your own and the responsibility that comes with that house you want. We are looking at two houses right now, both are at the top of our price range, and we have had to think really hard about what we can afford, and what we can't at this point in our life. It's a big step to take, they comes with many twists and turns, especially in the roads ahead that lead our path in life.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Division Essay

     There are always going to troubles, and complications in any relationship, whether you have a man and woman, or same sex couples. Its how you handle and solve those problems that make the difference between a successful relationship and a failing relationship. Sitting here and thinking about relationships there are some things that are needed in everyone, you need a whole lot of trust, be able to talk to each other, and always have fun together.
      When ever I would look at my ex-boyfriends phone I would always think, "why am I not trusting him?" The answer came out of my mouth, in that question, I don't trust him. That was the end of the relationship. Now I know that trust is something someone has to earn, something that is not to played with, like a person's heart shouldn't be played with. I found that out the hard after several men had came and gone in my life. Each had either cheated, mentally abused, or just plainly not cared about me in any way. But chose to be with me and toy with me. New to dating, I always took it, losing confidence in my self, and what I thought was suppose to be a great relationship turned into a non-trusting and abusive life.
     Communication is always apart of life, used in jobs, families, and relationships. When there is no communication the relationships are tough, and most of the time fail. Josh, whom is my boyfriend now, is learning to communicate more with me on things he doesn't find he likes, maybe about what I say or do some times. He wasn't good at communicating a year ago, and we almost ended our relationship because we couldn't talk about our relationship without getting into a heated battle. Now almost a year later we are talking out our problems, and discussing issues, and asking each other for opinions. Knowing I can turn to him and talk to him with out a fight is a weight lifted off my chest, and bring me back to the thought that was brought up trust.
      Memories pop into my head when I think of the word Fun. going camping when it drizzling, and maybe 60 degrees out. Learning to shoot a gun, while trying not to scare the pants off my boyfriend. When my relationship is at its best, is when I know my boyfriend and I are having a great time together. I know when he smiles that there is a memory in the making, and something that will stay with me forever, Fun and laughter is needed to keep anyone sane, especially when you live in the same house, and see each other everyday, it keeps the relationship new, and exiting even after two years.
      My mother always told me "there are plenty of fish in the sea." Never to settle for any relationship that wasn't working. I have followed that to the relationship I am in now with Josh. We argue from time to time, and always talk about our problems until they are solved. I would trust him to take a bullet for me. if it ever happened, a trust that has been built over time. But our relationship would be nothing if we didn't laugh, whether it be at each other or together. We laugh, cry, and live life together.