Thursday, November 1, 2012

Contrast Essay

My mother is my rock, she is there during the bad times, and always there to cheer me on during the good times. We are look alike twins, if I didn't have my long hair you would need to do a double take. Just ask my boyfriend, he always says" you look just like your mother." Mostly he does it to get a kick out of watching me steam every time. But my mother and I looking a like is almost the only thing we have in common. My mother is the classic woman with a tom boy twist, and a big case of working too hard. I on the other hand am your typical girly girl, cheerleader, and shopper. Now you see, there are several differences between us too: the way we look, how we handle responsibilities, and holidays."
       There are families of all different sizes, and when I say sizes, I'm not meaning how many members. i talking about height, weight, and looks. My mother is slightly over weight, I'm slightly skinny. We are both petite, my mom stands about 5'3", and I come in at a whopping 5' 1/2", no that is not little size. But the differences between us can be seen every day, not just our heights, but looks as well. My mom has the tom boy look, and has kept the same look pretty much since high school. Short hair, always wearing pants, except at her and my dads wedding, and t-shirts, or button up blouses. Still girly, but with a tom boy twist. So what are the differences between us? I'm as girly as they come, I have long brown hair, and I always straighten it, I have make up on at least 12 hours out of the day, and I am addicted to dresses. My mother loves me that way, and she has seen me with out make up on, and has always said to me"you don't have make up on, you look sick." But she loves my fashion ideas, and when i pick out her clothes, unless its a dress that is a deal breakers. She always says no to dresses except maybe on my wedding day.
       My mom, and bills should never be in the same sentence, why? Because she almost never pays them on time, or she forgets about them entirely. Then who ends up paying them you ask? My dad or myself, if I get mad enough about my cellphone not working. I know what your saying, why is a 24 year year old getting mad that her cellphone is off, and she isn't the one paying for it. Well, my cellphone bill is the only payment I am not making on my own, and lets face it; I am like every other girl, and that cellphone is my life line. I pay all my other bills, rent, electric, cable, and car, and so forth, and I am always a stickler about getting them in on time. I plan my bills out at least 4 to 6 months ahead a time, and will always work extra hours to make sure those payments are made on time. Unlike my mother, the thought, and stress of a bill being over due would worry me more than anything. Which to her, a bill being over due just means she can pay next week.
       I was at work, sitting, and organizing drawers, trying to think of other ways that my mom and I differ from each other. Then it happened, the first Christmas song came over the Macy's radio. It hit me, Decorations and Holidays. When to put up the decorations, and how much we put up. See my mom is one of those holiday people, who always puts up her decorations super early, pretty much right after Halloween. It's not that I don't love the holiday but my mother goes over board, lights, wreaths, window stickers, and she always overloads the tree with bulbs, ornaments from the Christmas tree shop, and lights that blink, or twinkle. My decorating only consists of a tree, that is put up about a week or two before Christmas.Then I have a place to store gifts, and maybe some Christmas candles to light. I don't have time, nor do i want to put in the effort, like my mother does, to get a load of decorations, and decorate my entire apartment.
     My mother and I are extremely like each other in looks, and we love each other dearly. This is something that will never change between us, through thick and thin we are their for one another. With the Christmas decorations going over board every year without exception I appreciate the hard work and effort that she puts into the things that she cares about, like myself. My thoughts of how we differ may be different in her eyes if she ever reads this piece on the differences between the two of us, but I think it's as close to spot on as I can make it without being bias. Although she tends to be more of a tom boy than me of course, she is my blood and I will always love everything she does, and support whatever decisions that she makes.

1 comment:

  1. Nice--plenty of detail and specifics, well-organized, visual. Glad to take it.
