3 Nov. 2012. <http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/148373.php>
This Site was great to get a migraines for dummies point of view, on causes, treatments, and symptoms.
Medical journal that has done research on women that have migraines, and they have had a cognitive decline over time. this journal is really interesting because it shows the studies, and outcomes.
"Transient monocular visual loss and retinal migraine" December 6, 2005 vol. 173 no. 12 <http://www.cmaj.ca/content/173/12/1441.short#ref-list-1>
Medical journal on two types of migraines monocular and binocular, I have never heard of binocular migraines, its an interesting read. A lot of these symptoms I have weekly. Not sure if this is right for the bibliography, but I could not find all the information for this last article.
The site formats look ok, unless there are authors you haven't named. Notes were fine.