Friday, September 28, 2012

New Cause Essay Intro 2

"Thank you for always being there." "You are more than a friend, you are my sister." I have heard these words from so many friends, through elementary, junior, and high school, even in college. I am now going into a young women, taking charge of my life, with out my parents advice always guiding me. This is the time where I need my friends, whom are more like my sisters to help guide me through the hard ships that come with growing up. I had two best friends through high school, those young ladies are still my friends, but since high school, time, space, and life have pulled us apart and brought others into our lives that mean more to us. The new friends don't take away from the old friends, they build on memories that are already buried in our minds. There is always one song that stays in my mind about friends. "Make new friends but keep the old. One is Silver and One is Gold."

1 comment:

  1. This doesn't clearly lead into a cause essay the way intro 1 did, but it has a somewhat stronger opening.
