Friday, September 21, 2012

Intro One

Lance Armstrong once said,"If you worried about falling off the bike, you’d never get on." If I could reword that quote it would read "If you worried about crashing a car, you'd never get in." If you have ever been to divers education, and through the License Test, knows that when you step into a car there is always the chance of an accident. That is what went through my mind when I had my first accident, only a small rear ending, but when witnessed first hand, out the back window has mind game effects for months after the crash. Your eyes blink, Your minds racing, and You think everything over 10 times faster, and at the speed of light.

1 comment:

  1. This is an effects essay, not cause. You make that clear: "effects for months" you say.

    Do you want to write an effect essay now and a cause essay when effect is on the schedule?
